Healthy Life
May 13, 2024

The best way to maintain a healthy life is to listen to what your body is telling you. Just listen. If you suffer from ongoing fatigue this is your body telling you something is not working correctly. Many things cause fatigue and perhaps blood work might be helpful in determining why you’re experiencing such fatigue. Other examples could be your thyroid, a virus, your diet or many other things. Just listen to what your body is telling you and seek help if it doesn’t go away. Your healthy life may depend on it.

Help can come in many forms depending on what your issue is and its severity. If it’s severe and you don’t have any idea on what to do, consult with a healthcare provider. Bloodwork may be helpful. However, if it is not severe, you can look online for your particular issue and review what is recommended. There is a lot of good information online to help you solve your issues. Make sure you look at a medical based site first for accurate medical information. Alternative/holistic methods can be searched and may find them very helpful. Anxiety is a big problem that can drain your body of happiness, love and many nutrients that you need to solve your problem/issue as well as your health. A good solution for anxiety is to find out the cause and try to deal with it. However, if you are unable or have generalized anxiety try yoga, meditation and/or breathing exercises. My favorite breathing exercise is belly breathing. When doing these ‘exercises’ try to concentrate on what you are doing. An example is if you are doing breathing exercises. The way breathing exercises help you is by CONCENTRATING on the flow of your breath in and out of your body. This distracts your anxiety and gives your body ‘feel good hormones’, helping rid your anxiety and leave you with a sense of calmness and wellness. It may take practice to help you alleviate your anxiety, but it will harm your body if you keep it. Anxiety is very prevalent in our society and you don’t want to fall victim to its wrath. Long-term anxiety and stress will harm your body in different negative ways so please try to avoid that from happening. Do your best to keep positive and eventually it may be an easy thing for you to do for the rest of your life. I have found that weeding helps me relax and lose the nagging anxiety that haunts me. If done enough times it will make muscle memory and the fight may be won soon. It may help you and add years to your life. If none of the above does not help you, there are many other ways to distract your anxiety. Writing, journaling and crafting may help you minimize your anxiety. However, you won’t maintain your optimal health as long as anxiety is haunting and hurting you. You are important, so keep your Temple healthy, safe and positive. Anxiety and stress are killers, try to rid them from your body and stay positive. This is a good way to keep a healthy life  ❤️